is an opportunity to keep your health in movement
Regular intensive training leaves an imprint on the physical health, especially of children, but its negative impact can be minimized.
You will learn about the specificity of physical exercises, ways to stay healthy, how to prevent ballet injuries and much more from HEALMO.
We know the nature of the human body and understand that it cannot be changed by force, therefore the entire methodology is built on learning to use one’s potential, the development of the data of a specific person, and all the brand’s products emphasize this.
Movement is something that can change our brain, but movement must be biochemically safe, otherwise we form the wrong habit, which leads to injury and forced limitation of mobility.
HEALMO will not allow this!
Kablukov Denis Aleksandrovich
Biomedical specialist accompanied by choreography, pediatrician, neurologist
and sports medicine doctor
Specialized in medical and biological
accompanied by choreography
Specialist in children's physical development
Has experience at the Mariinsky Theater and experience working with children professionally involved in sports and choreography
Taught safe development methods
bodies of 300+ specialists
Author of 2 books on maintaining health in ballet
Creator of innovation simulators
on the development of physical data
Who are the courses suitable for?
Ballet or choreography teacher
Aesthetic sports trainer
A parent who strives to help their child develop physical abilities and maintain health
Movement skills specialist
Stretching instructor or
physical therapy
Parent who has a child
does sports or choreography
Lessons are on the GetCourse platform. Access to them opens as you progress and complete homework
Each of them examines the anatomy of movement. You will find theoretical lectures with examples of exercises that you can immediately apply in class
Before starting the course, you will need to download the workbook. You will need it to do your homework. The curator will check them within 24 hours. If you have any questions, support will answer them within 2-6 hours
How will the classes be held?
After which you will be able to receive a state-issued advanced training certificate, that is, a diploma!
Alumni reviews
They have already begun to consciously select exercises for body development: